
New Poetics of Labor editorial by Juana Álvarez Jaramillo
"El trabajo es de entrada un concepto mediado por una cultura hegemónica. Lo que en verdad está en juego no son tanto las condiciones, la materialidad o la producción resultado del trabajo. Lo que está en disputa es, principalmente, aquello que se considera, o no, trabajo; o más bien, la manera en que se define y se reconocen las formas de reproducción social en las sociedades."

A Union of Poets
An interview with organizers of the Union of Radical Workers and Writers, the Resist Retail Nihilism conference, and the Worker Writers School

Publishing as a Tool of Resistance: Panel at the Interference Archive
A panel on the role of publishing in social movement building.

New Poetics of Labor – feature on Schlosspost - Issue no. 8: Soft Power
with Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart

"Al camello camello y al amor amor" now available at Printed Matter, Inc.

What a Band of 20th-Century Alabama Communists Can Teach Black Lives Matter and the Offspring of Occupy
On the 25th anniversary of the groundbreaking history, "Hammer and Hoe," author Robin D.G. Kelley discusses the lessons Alabama’s forgotten black communists can offer today’s activists.

Domestic Workers Organizing — The Convention 189 Campaign as a Mobilization Model
"Precarity is on the rise. Low-wage service jobs have seen a significant surge in the last years, and domestic work has become one of the largest sectors of employment in the global economy. "

Labours of Love: Women’s Labour as the Culture Sector’s Invisible Dark Matter
by Macushla Robinson

NPoL in InPrint Art Book Fair, Hansen House
Dec. 6 and Friday, Dec. 7 at the Hansen House in Jerusalem

UNESCO launches Global Survey on Status of the Artist
UNESCO is launching until 23 November 2018 a global survey on policies and measures taken around the world to support the economic and social rights of artists.

Museum and Archive on the Move: Changing Cultural Institutions in the Digital Era
by Oliver Grau, Wendy Coones and Viola Rühse, Editors, Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2017.

Radical Women: Making Room
Radical Women runs through August–November 2018 at Pinacoteca de São Paulo, Brazil. It was previously shown at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, and in the Brooklyn Museum, New York.

A Requiem for the Factory
"If the factory oscillates between pre-inscription and the unsayable, this is because it is caught in the trappings of its function as a machine and subtracted from its true essence, which is to be a political place, a production of truths."

Otto Neurath + Gerd Arntz — visual education
"Neurath was a social scientist, scientific philosopher and maverick leader of the Vienna Circle who championed ‘the scientific attitude’ and the Unity of Science movement."

Transforming the Global “Precariat” into a Political Force
The concept of the precariat has explanatory power day-to-day and transformative potential in the socio-political world. For a just and honorable life, we need the political precariat.

To honor the founding of the Black Panther Party in Oakland (USA) 52 years ago today, October 15...
some revolutionary artwork by its Minister of Culture and Revolutionary Art, Emory Douglas