exhibition at La Cigarra, Medellín

NPoL’s video documents a performance with local workers in front of a convenient store in Medellín. Beginning with the phrase, “Pare la escoba y parchemos con una pola...,” members of the community were invited to sit with NPoL and have a beer in the middle of the workday. Thirty-two workers accepted to stop for a moment and sit down with NPoL artists in the middle of the day during their work shifts. During this time, NPoL and the workers shared genuine conversations about daily routines of labor, finding a common ground.
One result of this pause and reflection was the final collection of 32 used brooms that belonged to the workers, which were sometimes exchanged for new brooms that NPoL had at hand to distribute. These were displayed in the exhibition Al camello camello y al amor amor, which was up nearby where this event took place, a few months later. The display poses questions, such as: what may happen if workers stop and reflect on the act of inaction itself? what examining labor might mean for resistance, especially in developing countries? what reflecting on this reality as a worker might mean for the artist, and similarly, what thinking of herself/himself as an artist might mean for a waged worker?
This was not only an act of intervention by the artists, but a moment in time where the community displayed an unusual amount of openness and warmth as they revealed details about the economic and social reality of their city.
Initiated and directed by: Cristina Velásquez
Video and sound editing: Nechama Winston
Camera: Cristina Velásquez, Nechama Winston, Paulina Álvarez
Sound recording: Nechama Winston
Production: Paulina Álvarez, Andres Lebrun, Juana Álvarez
Exhibition installation views by Cristina Velásquez.
Al camello camello y al amor amor
Facebook event here.
June 8-16, 2018
Curated by Cristina Velásquez
New Poetics of Labor launches its exhibition and publication, Al camello camello y al amor amor
Opening: June 7, 2018, 7 pm at Espacio La Cigarra, Medellín, Colombia
Poetry is a form of human labor, the labor of reshaping human value. And Labor is the way we assert our own terms of worth against the world of capital. Both the poet and the laborer share the struggle of revealing a meaningful form out of undifferentiated matter. Poetry and Labor enable transformation through critical thinking and action — they help us to see beyond the limitations of a current reality, and make the impossible possible. Through New Poetics of Labor we can affirm a new reality with a language that belongs to all of us.
The title of the exhibition, Al camello camello y al amor amor, refers to unrecognized types of labor, especially performed by women and artists who work out of passion for what they believe in. This exhibition seeks to create a moment for people to separate what is work and what is love. If we acknowledge and celebrate the worker, perhaps the notion of love can become clarified. In comparison to recognized, legalized, and regulated types of work, the labor of artists and female workers is frequently unseen, especially within Latin America.
New Poetics of Labor explores this issue through the way artists deconstruct and construct the image using different media. The works included in the exhibition use photography as a theoretical base. Photography is understood to be analogous to poetry operating as active thinking, resistance, and transformation. The works in La Cigarra are made through the labors of reflecting, cutting, stitching, weaving, and carpentry – using the body, the negative, the archive, and the digital.
Participating artists include Paulina Álvarez, Marina Berio, Ally Caple, Stephanie Colgan, Catalina Fernández, Sergio Galvis, Efrat Hakimi, Markéta Magidová, Crisia Miroiu, Ginacarlo Montes, Darío Ramírez, Mind the Heart! (Maya Gelfman & Roie Avidan), Paola A. Tafur, Alicja Rogalska (in collaboration with Łukasz Surowiec), Patricia Silva, and Nechama Winston.
In addition, a new 2-channel video piece by New Poetics of Labor (11 minutes) will premiere at La Cigarra during the opening event.
The corresponding publication to Al camello camello, y al amor amor features writing contributions by Joshua Simon and Dionisio Varela. Additional works are included by: Mira Dayal, Hugo Díez, Beth Harris, Duy Hoàng, Jeff Lassahn, María Cristina Sánchez, Maria Juliana Soto, Joe Turpin, Abby Walsh, Sharon Webber-Zvik, La Isla en Vela, Ramón Lineros, and Topp & Dubio.
This exhibition and publication would not be possible without the generous support from Grafiformas; La Cigarra, Espacio y Editorial; Alberto Álvarez S.A.; Carpintería Lebrun; and contributions from individual donations.
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Espacio La Cigarra
Carerra 40 #10A – 65
Medellín, Colombia
Press inquiries: newpoeticsoflabor@gmail.com
New Poetics of Labor is an independent initiative for artists that aims to explore the relationship and exchanges between art and labor. We bring together artists, writers, and scholars from around the world to facilitate a new critical dialogue that reframes local contexts of production.
NPoL is a platform for conversation, research, creative experimentation and action. NPoL is an act of resistance.
Nuevas Poéticas del Trabajo lanza su exposición y publicación impresa, Al camello camello y al amor amor.
Apertura: Junio 7 de 2018, a las 7 p.m. en Espacio La Cigarra, Medellín, Colombia.
La poesía es una forma de trabajo… el trabajo de desdibujar y dibujar, en constante reflexión, el valor del hombre. El trabajo, a su vez, es la forma en que el hombre afirma sus propios términos de valor frente al mundo del capital. Tanto el obrero como el poeta comparten la lucha por revelar sentido a partir de materia indiferenciada. El trabajo y la poesía permiten la transformación a través del pensamiento crítico y la acción, y hacen posible lo imposible. A través de las Nuevas Poéticas del Trabajo afirmamos una nueva realidad con un lenguaje que nos pertenece a todos.
El título de la exposición, Al camello camello y al amor amor, hace referencia a los tipos de trabajo no reconocidos, especialmente de mujeres y artistas que trabajan intensamente movidos por su vocación. Esta exposición es un momento de celebración y pausa que busca trazar una línea entre lo que es trabajo y lo que es amor. Si dedicáramos un momento para repensar el trabajo y reconocer al trabajador, tal vez la noción de amor se aclararía. Lo que se considera digno de ser reconocido y tratado como trabajo, nos da una pista de lo que una sociedad excluye y de lo que invisibiliza.
Nuevas Poéticas del Trabajo explora este tema a través de la forma en que los artistas deconstruyen y construyen la imagen, a partir de la exploración de diferentes medios. La fotografía, como base teórica, se entiende de manera análoga a la poesía, que opera como pensamiento activo, resistente y transformador. Las obras en el espacio La Cigarra se realizan a través de labores de reflexión, corte, tejido y carpintería; utilizando el cuerpo, el negativo, el archivo y lo digital. Los artistas participantes incluyen a Paulina Álvarez, Marina Berio, Ally Caple, Stephanie Colgan, Catalina Fernández, Sergio Galvis, Efrat Hakimi, Markéta Magidová, Crisia Miroiu, Giancarlo Montes, Darío Ramírez, Mind the Heart! (Maya Gelfman y Roie Avidan), Paola A. Tafur, Alicja Rogalska (en colaboración con Łukasz Surowiec), Patricia Silva y Nechama Winston.
Además, el nuevo video de Nuevas Poéticas del Trabajo (11 minutos) se estrenará en La Cigarra este mismo día.
La publicación impresa de la exposición Al camello camello y al amor amor, cuenta además con contribuciones escritas de Joshua Simon y Dionisio Varela. Incluye obras adicionales de Mira Dayal, Hugo Díez, Beth Harris, Duy Hoàng, Jeff Lassahn, María Cristina Sánchez, María Juliana Soto, Joe Turpin, Abby Walsh, Sharon Webber-Zvik, La Isla en Vela, Ramón Lineros y Topp Y Dubio.
Esta exposición y publicación no sería posible sin el generoso apoyo de Grafiformas; La Cigarra, Espacio y Editorial; Alberto Álvarez S.A .; Carpintería Lebrun; y contribuciones de donaciones individuales.
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Espacio La Cigarra
Carerra 40 #10A – 65
Medellín, Colombia
Consultas de prensa newpoeticsoflabor@gmail.com
Nuevas Poéticas del Trabajo es una iniciativa independiente para artistas que tiene como objetivo explorar la relación y los intercambios entre el arte y el trabajo. Reunimos artistas, escritores y académicos de todo el mundo, para facilitar un nuevo diálogo crítico que replantee los contextos locales de producción.
NPdT es una plataforma de encuentro, investigación, experimentación creativa y acción. NPdTes un acto de resistencia.