„Wall Newspapers”

Artwork: KURS

 „Wall Newspapers* is a form of an informative art media that considers different social issues from the leftist perspective. The main goal of the „Wall newspapers” is to increase the visibility of the contents that critically assess the processes of neo-liberal capitalism, by producing sharp-cut texts and illustrations. We’ve perceived the form of a wall newspapers as a way of intervening in public space, that would have a a greater effect on a broader public. „Wall Newspaper” was initiated in 2013 by the KURS collective, during the campaign „Culture on strike” (Kultura u protestu) which was organised by the Association Independent Culture Scene of Serbia.„Wall Newspaper” is being distributed in a few cities in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.
 Wall Newspapers, translation of Issue 11, “A Carnival Amidst Ruins” , author  Iskra Krstić, artwork KURS.


"The beneficial effects of creative industries on the local economy, urban revitalisation, youth unemployment, and attracting foreign investments are promoted in statements made by cultural managers, public strategies, and academic curricula alike. They consider creative industries to be the booster of urban regeneration, which induces the development of cultural tourism and the implementation of the creative cities concept.1By describing creative industries as an activity based on active and autonomous contribution of free individuals to their economic and social surroundings, the creative industries’ advocates blur the structures of political and economic power which restrain and instrumentalise the activities of cultural workers. Their optimistic interpretations, limited to the economic significance of creative industries and cultural entrepreneurship, de-contextualise the rising importance of the tertiary sector of the economy from the preceding crisis of agriculture and industry which preceded it; and the positive aspects of creating new business opportunities from the downsides of the aggressive expansion of the free market to all social functions and goods – more concretely, the commercialisation of art, culture, fun, communications, free time and urban space.Most of the contemporary explanations of the phenomenon of creative industries vary elements of the definition formulated by the so-called Creative Industry Task Force in the late nineties, at a time when Great Britain expressed its resolution to back up the economic growth in this newly acknowledged domain. From early on, this concept was criticised and exposed as a result of a “mature Thatcherism”, since it narrowly focused on extracting and enlarging economic profit from the activities which had rarely been identified as commercial and entrepreneurial previously.2 A negative meaning of cultural industry3, from which the concept of creative industry evolved, has also been brought into question during the nineties, when cultural imperialism was replaced by a more subtle concept of globalisation."See more here (and here). prekarijat-na-vodi2"The special edition of Wall Newspapers, translation of Issue 11, “A Carnival Amidst Ruins” was first published in printing edition in May 2016 in 300 copies. You can find layout of printing edition on this link."

 *  Wall newspapers were launched in November 2013 within the campaign "Culture in Protest" of Association Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia. Wall newspapers are visual-informative project, which is easy to multiply and divide, and display on the walls of local cultural institutions, organizations of the independent scene and other public spaces, reaching out to a wider audience and the public, conveys information about current events and starts reflection about them. Through illustrations and short texts, Wall Newspapers deal with the pressing issues in our everyday lives, but also those from the past that need to be revived, mostly on the working position of artists and workers in the cultural sector as well as the material conditions in which they live.— KURS collective website. See more here.




NPoL in NYC this September 2018!